Due to an accumulation of items and selling his home, Lane Stites will sell the following list of personal property to the highest bidder at auction located at 166 Hwy. AA in Steelville, MO. From Cuba take Hwy. 19 south to Steelville approximately 8 1/2 miles to South 4th St. Turn right onto South 4th St. and go approximately 1/10 mile to Keysville St./Hwy. AA. Continue to follow Hwy. AA approximately 1.7 miles to residence located on the right. Follow BERTI AUCTION signs day of auction.
- Household
- Antiques & Collectibles
- Tractor
- Tools & Misc.
This is going to be a great country auction in Steelville! There will be tons of quality antiques, tractors, and guns. There will literally be something for everyone. This is a big auction, and many, many items were not listed. It is definitely a lifetime collection! Don’t miss this one!