Due to the death of her husband, Herschel, Judy Light will sell the following list of personal property to the highest bidder at auction located at 116 Robin Hill Drive in Steelville, MO. From I-44 exit 208 (Cuba, MO) take Hwy. 19 south approx. 7.8 miles to Grand Avenue in Steelville. Make a left onto Grand Ave. and then a quick right onto Robin Hill Dr. Go 3/10 mile on Robin Hill Drive to residence located on the right. Follow BERTI AUCTION signs day of auction.
- Guns & Hunting
- Trailers & Sheds
- Antiques & Collectibles
- Household
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: This auction has nice collection of firearms, quality tools, trailers, and antiques. Come spend the day with us in Steelville! Don’t miss it!! See ya there!! Robby